Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Simple Beginners Golf Tips

I.“Newbie” Golfer Rules & Training
Welcome fellow golfer. Let's get right into the meat of this great game...

A.The Objective
The objective of golf is to sink your ball into each of the 18 holes on the course, taking as few shots necessary.

Every hole has a par number which indicates how many maximum shots you should take to remain at a 0-par (for good golfers). It therefore varies depending on the specific hole you are playing.

Every golf course has obstacles that are designed to make your game more difficult. Most of these obstacles are man-made, such as sand bunkers and out-of-bound areas. However, other obstacles may include ponds, streams, trees, bushes, and other wooded areas.

Regardless of your budget, there is a golf course in most any area and for reasonable prices. Most courses have 18 holes and others have 9 holes (perfect for beginners).

E.Driving Ranges
Practice shots can be made at your local driving range, which is an excellent place to tweak your technique. Be sure to practice both long and short shots, in addition to putting.

Take advantage of every shot on the driving range by aiming for a specific target. This will help you gain better distance and more control over the ball.

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

II.The New Golfer

A.What To Expect as a New Golfer
If you have always wanted to experience the passion that sucks thousands of men and women into the game every day, there is nothing stopping you from giving the game a chance. People just like you find out just how rewarding golf is every day.
The attraction to golf appeals differently to each person. But, we all enjoy the challenges and unpredictability of the game.

Golf has long-standing traditions, and learning the power of focus and concentration is immensely satisfying.

Additionally, new golfers can expect...   

B.The REAL Competition
Although golf can be a difficult game to play at first, you are really only competing against yourself. You'll learn in time how to use your mind and body to control all of the possible outcomes that a shot could make.

The fun starts by simply trying to make contact with the ball.

As you gain more experience, you will learn to steer shots in specific directions- it becomes quite rewarding.

C.Patience is Key
Golf takes patience. And unlike other sports, you need to give yourself plenty of time and to learn how to play correctly.

That is what is so wonderful about this game. You can learn at your own pace until you are ready to advance on your own schedule.

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

III.The Secret Tip Every Beginner Golfer Should Know

A.The Problem
What makes golf so difficult to learn as compared to other sports?
There are a few reasons, however the quest for true “accuracy” is probably the number one factor that differentiates golf from other sports.

There is much less room for error compared to sports like baseball,for example.
Though, a wild pitch doesn't exactly help anyone either. :)
Baseballs are much bigger & the players use a comparatively larger bat to swing with. You have several chances of hitting the ball too.

And furthermore, you have the assistance of other players on the baseball diamond.

In golf, you must hit the ball perfect each time you tee off. You have one swing and that's it. The room for error is so minuscule due to the tiny size of the ball and the clubface.

And, it's only you playing when you tee off!

Combined these factors with people watching, the pressure can really cause your nerves to get a bit uneasy. This is why golf is a lot harder than most people think.

The key really is in....

B. Taking it Slow

What is the most important beginner tip?
Take the game slow and simple. In general, the obstacles of golf for the beginner player are mostly mental. With the intensity of concentration, focus, and pressure from an audience, one of the best things that you can do is take it slow.

After all, what's the rush?
Learn the game at whatever pace suits you. Many newbie golfers try to go all out.
They buy a brand-new set of golf clubs, hit a few bucks of balls at a driving range for a few days, & want to immediately run out and start playing on prestigious 18-hole golf courses.
I understand that you are probably excited and want to jump right in headfirst.

But, before you knew how to swim, did you just dive into the deep section of your local swimming pool? Of course not. How could you expect to do the same with golf? Moving too fast will only lead to frustration and eventually you will quit playing.

Take your time! It'll pay off.

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

IV.Taking the Confusion Out of Golf's Fundamentals


Today's information age has brought wondrous amounts of golf information to the masses. Websites, blogs, articles...it actually seems too much at times. Everyone benefits from it.

A lot of new golfer try to mimic what professional golfers seem to do on TV. After all, how hard could it be?

If only it were that simple!
If you are just starting out, understand that it may take a few years just to get the basics down. And by "down," I mean at least somewhat memorized.

You will have ups & downs. And, learning applying new techniques to your individual style will come in growth spurts.

A new technique you are trying to master may seem impossible one day. But, after thorough practice and repetition, it will simply seem natural another.

B.Sticking to the Basics

Sticking to the basics is always the best approach, no matter what you are doing.
You work the fundamentals until they are like 2nd nature.

Strive to improve everytime you play. Learn that patience and perseverance are just as important as making contact with the ball.

The ultimate reward for your positive attitude will be consistency in your swing, an improved game, & the development of a lifelong passion for golf.

C. Becoming Friends with your Clubs
When you begin learning the fundamentals of golf, stick to the same pair of golf clubs for at least 1 to 2 years.

The equipment you use should not be changed. This will help your learning experience be as linear & stable as possible.

Using the same clubs during your initial year or two of golf will also help minimize the negative variables that can affect your game.

For example, by sticking with the same driver during this time period, you can isolate & adjust the factors that help you on tee shots.

Changing clubs too often, especially during this learning period, will not enable you to know whether your technique has improved.

This is definitely one area when using a little science can pay off huge. Because that's what scientists do- isolate, test, record & adjust....

But wait.......    

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

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