Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Learning Perfect Swing Technique For Beginners VI

VI. Conclusion
The following points & tips accurately sum up beginner advice to getting a great golf swing:

1. What makes a golf swing more difficult to perfect than other sports, such as baseball, is that it involves both vertical and horizontal planes. In baseball you only swing the bat one way – horizontally (unless you are trying to hit it out of the park, which might involve a little vertical action).

2. When you swing, you should not be thinking about making contact with the ball. Rather, focus on swinging through & beyond the ball. Pretend that the ball isn't there.

3. A perfect swing should be balanced, smooth, and graceful. It should never be forced. Technique and fluidity is everything.

4. Your ideal swing plane should not be steep. Instead, it be as flat as possible.

5. Begin your backswing very slowly while the clubhead moves low to the ground. Your body should begin to move in unison, as one unit.

6. During the top of the swing, the right arm should be folded snug in into your side (for right-handed golfers). The left arm should be straight, but not totally stiff. The hips should be turned at approximately 45°. The shoulders should be approximately 90°.Most of your weight should also be placed on the right foot.

7. The downswing should be viewed as an “uncoiling” of the body.Your hips turn first, followed by the shoulders, then arms & hands,and finally the clubhead comes through. Consider the movement the same as cracking a whip. CRACK! The majority of your weight should then be transferred to the left foot during the downswing.

8. You must always follow through once the ball has been hit and is soaring towards the target. If you do not follow through, you risk injuries to the arms and torso, as well as decreasing the speed of the ball.

9. And finally, beginners who are set on learning how to make the perfect golf swing should probably try a 7-iron. This club is perfect for learning the proper techniques that make a great swing.

But wait!
 There's A LOT MORE than was presented here!

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