Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Learning Perfect Swing Technique For Beginners VI

VI. Conclusion
The following points & tips accurately sum up beginner advice to getting a great golf swing:

1. What makes a golf swing more difficult to perfect than other sports, such as baseball, is that it involves both vertical and horizontal planes. In baseball you only swing the bat one way – horizontally (unless you are trying to hit it out of the park, which might involve a little vertical action).

2. When you swing, you should not be thinking about making contact with the ball. Rather, focus on swinging through & beyond the ball. Pretend that the ball isn't there.

3. A perfect swing should be balanced, smooth, and graceful. It should never be forced. Technique and fluidity is everything.

4. Your ideal swing plane should not be steep. Instead, it be as flat as possible.

5. Begin your backswing very slowly while the clubhead moves low to the ground. Your body should begin to move in unison, as one unit.

6. During the top of the swing, the right arm should be folded snug in into your side (for right-handed golfers). The left arm should be straight, but not totally stiff. The hips should be turned at approximately 45°. The shoulders should be approximately 90°.Most of your weight should also be placed on the right foot.

7. The downswing should be viewed as an “uncoiling” of the body.Your hips turn first, followed by the shoulders, then arms & hands,and finally the clubhead comes through. Consider the movement the same as cracking a whip. CRACK! The majority of your weight should then be transferred to the left foot during the downswing.

8. You must always follow through once the ball has been hit and is soaring towards the target. If you do not follow through, you risk injuries to the arms and torso, as well as decreasing the speed of the ball.

9. And finally, beginners who are set on learning how to make the perfect golf swing should probably try a 7-iron. This club is perfect for learning the proper techniques that make a great swing.

But wait!
 There's A LOT MORE than was presented here!

Learning Perfect Swing Technique For Beginners V

V. Golf Clubs For Beginner

A. Clubs
Now that all the basics have been covered, you should be able to go out and practice all of the points made. Stick with the basics taught above before moving on to advanced swing techniques.

But what about clubs?
All golf clubs vary in multiple ways. This includes how much loft a club gives the ball, the lie angle, and the club length. Your driver is the longest club. It provides the least amount for loft as well as the flattest swing plane.
The shortest club you have is the sand wedge, which provides the highest amount of loft and a very steep swing plane.Neither one of these clubs are recommended for beginners. It is never smart to use the longest or shortest clubs because the swing conditions they create are unique in conjunction with the clubs' size and build.

B. The Best Club To Get Started With
Although beginners can use any club that they would like, we highly recommend the 7-iron for those players who are a little sketchy on the basics and are still practicing their golf swing.This club is right up the middle in terms of length and action output.It is also much easier to control than other clubs,especially the driver.
Due to the 7-iron's average swing plane and the perfect amount of loft, it makes an ideal golf club to learn a swing for standard shots.Some beginner golfers use other clubs that do not produce the best results during this part of their "learning curve" (I'm talking about your education learning curve, not any golf terminology).
For example, if you practice with a wedge, the ball will have a lot of backspin on it due to the high loft action output of the club. This can lead to poor golf shots that result in "hooks" or "slices." You'll never be able to pinpoint any problems in your swing if you use these clubs for practice. At least at first.
The 7-iron is great because you will easily be able to tell if the ball is slicing, hooking, or actually going straight. Because the 7-iron is easy to use, your confidence level in making your shots will rise quickly and you will be able to advance more rapidly.

                               Find The Best Golf Clubs for Beginner.....

Learning Perfect Swing Technique For Beginners IV

IV. Making Contact

A. Let's Do It
Congratulations, your swing is now fully initiated, from backswing to downswing.
We've come so far! It's now time to make contact with the ball & follow through with technique.The contact you make with the ball and the direction (and loft) that it takes is determined here. If you are going for a straight shot, then the clubhead must move directly within the target line. If you want your ball to go left, then the path of the clubhead should point left, and vice versa, for the right.
Now, at first, it's not that easy to learn how to correctly steer your clubhead in relation to where you want the ball to go.
This takes thousands of shots to master.
The downswing will ultimately release your power into the ball.
The hands and forearms should rotate slightly counterclockwise (for right-handed golfers).
The clubhead then rotates toward the ball until it's close to perpendicular to your target line.

B. The Power of Visualization

By visualizing the proper technique, you will better execute the release of your clubhead.
Imagine your right forearm rotating over your left forearm (for righthanded golfers) as you make your swing. Once you make contact with the ball, the right hand and forearm should be gradually turning towards your left. The backside of your left hand should be facing the direction of the target line after impact.
And finally, the backside of your right hand should be pointing skyward.

C. The Follow Through
Every swing results in a "follow through." This describes what your club, and the body, looks like after making impact with the ball.
Although the ball is well on its way flying through the air, you still need to rotate your body and the club in a smooth and graceful fashion.
Imagine if you suddenly stopped all movement as soon as the ball is hit. This would reduce clubhead speed (because you would have to slow before impact).Not to mention that it might injure you too! Your wrists and hands are delicate instruments.
Once your swing is done, your hips should be turned just enough so that your stomach area is facing the target. Most of your weight should be transferred to the left foot and your right foot should be on its toes. Your back should be somewhat straight and the club will be wrapped around the back of your shoulders.

D. Last Minute Tip

Once your body has stopped moving and your follow through is complete, practice remaining in that position for a few seconds after each shot. Not only can you watch the flight path of the ball, but if your body remains still without tilting over, it's a good sign that you maintained perfect balance & coordination with the shot.

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

Learning Perfect Swing Technique For Beginners III

III. Coming Down
Now you are ready to explode through the grace of your downswing,ultimately driving the ball perfectly towards it's destination.

A. The Downswing
Your backswing should have felt controlled and smooth. Now you will feel a change in tempo. You will release the downswing with full power. Graceful & easy at the same time.Even though you are getting ready to completely change your technique and motion from the transition of the backswing to the downswing, the switch should still be graceful and as seamless as possible. The best swings show no sign of using a snapping motion or force.
Unfortunately, this is where many beginner and amateur golfers make their mistakes. Their backswing was initiated perfectly, but their transition towards making contact with the ball is sabotaged by a poor downswing.

B. Start From The Hips

The hips should be the very first body parts to move when bringing the club down from your backswing. In fact, your entire body is getting ready to uncoil itself starting from the hips. Don't pay too much attention to your arms and hands. They will be the last body parts to turn and it should happen naturally.
Once your body starts to uncoil, be sure that your weight begins to shift from your right foot to your left. This part is crucial! If you don't shift your weight onto your left foot, you will lose nearly half of the power and accuracy needed to make a successful shot. At first you may need to concentrate on shifting your weight.But, after enough practice, your body should do transition the weight distribution naturally. Repetition is key.

C. Uncoil The Body & Release The Energy

When it comes to arms & hands. strive to maintain the bend you have in your wrists for as long as possible. They should be the last part of your body to release before the ball is hit.If you can snap your wrists at the very last moment, you'll undoubtedly transfer more power and strength to the ball. Which will drive it longer consistently. The clubhead should now be coming down and moving faster towards the ball. Good form is essential. As the downswing gains momentum and speed, your entire body should follow through automatically, without interference.
Once the club head approaches the golf ball, you should feel as if you are cracking a whip....

For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Learning Perfect Swing Technique For Beginners II

II. Let's Take It From The Top!

A.The Top Of Your Swing
OK. Your the club is now positioned over your head. Try to avoid swinging your body at this point. The club is in the air and should be pointing towards your target line. The majority of your weight should be on your right foot, and the left knee should be slightly bent inward.
The right knee will have a slight bend throughout the entire backswing and it will brace the power that's coming from your body.
It is acceptable to permit your left foot to rise slightly at the top of your backswing, but try to keep it to a minimum as it may affect your accuracy. It's better to keep your left foot grounded if possible.

B. Everything In Its Place
The moment of contact is now here. You should feel a tremendous quantity of energy and power building up, rolled tightly in your body...just waiting to release and send the ball flying.You should feel confident & athletic. The shoulders should be at a full 90 degree angle & your hips turned to approximately 45 degrees.(These angles are not set in stone, just generalities. Every player has different levels of flexibility and technique.)
Strive to practice your backswing as often as you can. And you do not need to be at the driving range or on a golf course to do so.
Every chance you get, simply stand in front of a mirror so you can see your body moving and following through with the proper technique.
It's best to have a friend check out your backswing for constructive criticism. This way he or she can let you know of any tweaks that need to be made.

* Be sure that your head is centered over the ball as much as possible. You may allow a small amount of lateral motion if needed.
* The left arm should remain straight throughout the entire backswing. However, a small amount of bending that is acceptable.
* The left shoulder should be tucked snug underneath your chin.
* The right arm should be folded smoothly into your side and brush across the rib cage.
* The right knee should always maintain its bend throughout the backswing.
* Your body weight should be shifted considerably to the right foot when turning behind the ball.

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

Learning Perfect Swing Technique For Beginners I

I. Introduction-The BackSwing
Learning how to master your golf swing can take years of practice and skill. Your goal is to get one fluid motion of grace and finesse.
From the start of your backswing. through impact. to the follow through, it should be one perfect motion.

A. Why It Matters
The backswing is the initial movement of the golf club and it is responsible for setting up and defining everything that follows. If you have a poor backswing, it will effect everything else that follows and the end result will be poor shot.
Therefore, it's critical to get it right!

B. The Takeaway
Once you are set up and in position to prepare for your shot, begin the backswing by moving your club slowly backwards and keep the clubhead as close to the ground as possible. Do not move the club too fast as this may cause a steep swing plane which can minimize your power & accuracy. And be sure that your left shoulder is slightly higher than your right shoulder (assuming you are right-handed). Your shoulders, arms, and hips should all move together in one fluid motion.
Golf players that concentrate just on their arms & hands have a tough time learning how to hit with power on a consistent basis.You must learn to coordinate all of your body parts at one time. The key is not to think too much about it.Simply turn & feel your arms, shoulders, and upper legs all movetogether in synchronicity. Just go with the flow....

C. As You Turn
Once your backswing is in motion, your body will start it's turn and your right arm should begin to fold inside. The left arm should not be stiff, but remain somewhat straight. Your right elbow should be snuggled within a few inches of your body throughout the entire backswing.
At this point, everything should be turning naturally and your weight will begin to shift.Once your club shaft is in the air and pointing straight back, your wrists should begin to bend naturally. At this stage of the backswing,it is critical not to tighten your grip. Keep it loose and casual, yet in control at all times.
Keep turning everything gracefully until your left shoulder starts to snuggle itself underneath your chin. The left knee will start to bend toward the other knee. The club is now in the air and positioned on top of your head. You are now ready for the downswing.

For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

Simple Beginners Golf Tips

I.“Newbie” Golfer Rules & Training
Welcome fellow golfer. Let's get right into the meat of this great game...

A.The Objective
The objective of golf is to sink your ball into each of the 18 holes on the course, taking as few shots necessary.

Every hole has a par number which indicates how many maximum shots you should take to remain at a 0-par (for good golfers). It therefore varies depending on the specific hole you are playing.

Every golf course has obstacles that are designed to make your game more difficult. Most of these obstacles are man-made, such as sand bunkers and out-of-bound areas. However, other obstacles may include ponds, streams, trees, bushes, and other wooded areas.

Regardless of your budget, there is a golf course in most any area and for reasonable prices. Most courses have 18 holes and others have 9 holes (perfect for beginners).

E.Driving Ranges
Practice shots can be made at your local driving range, which is an excellent place to tweak your technique. Be sure to practice both long and short shots, in addition to putting.

Take advantage of every shot on the driving range by aiming for a specific target. This will help you gain better distance and more control over the ball.

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

II.The New Golfer

A.What To Expect as a New Golfer
If you have always wanted to experience the passion that sucks thousands of men and women into the game every day, there is nothing stopping you from giving the game a chance. People just like you find out just how rewarding golf is every day.
The attraction to golf appeals differently to each person. But, we all enjoy the challenges and unpredictability of the game.

Golf has long-standing traditions, and learning the power of focus and concentration is immensely satisfying.

Additionally, new golfers can expect...   

B.The REAL Competition
Although golf can be a difficult game to play at first, you are really only competing against yourself. You'll learn in time how to use your mind and body to control all of the possible outcomes that a shot could make.

The fun starts by simply trying to make contact with the ball.

As you gain more experience, you will learn to steer shots in specific directions- it becomes quite rewarding.

C.Patience is Key
Golf takes patience. And unlike other sports, you need to give yourself plenty of time and to learn how to play correctly.

That is what is so wonderful about this game. You can learn at your own pace until you are ready to advance on your own schedule.

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

III.The Secret Tip Every Beginner Golfer Should Know

A.The Problem
What makes golf so difficult to learn as compared to other sports?
There are a few reasons, however the quest for true “accuracy” is probably the number one factor that differentiates golf from other sports.

There is much less room for error compared to sports like baseball,for example.
Though, a wild pitch doesn't exactly help anyone either. :)
Baseballs are much bigger & the players use a comparatively larger bat to swing with. You have several chances of hitting the ball too.

And furthermore, you have the assistance of other players on the baseball diamond.

In golf, you must hit the ball perfect each time you tee off. You have one swing and that's it. The room for error is so minuscule due to the tiny size of the ball and the clubface.

And, it's only you playing when you tee off!

Combined these factors with people watching, the pressure can really cause your nerves to get a bit uneasy. This is why golf is a lot harder than most people think.

The key really is in....

B. Taking it Slow

What is the most important beginner tip?
Take the game slow and simple. In general, the obstacles of golf for the beginner player are mostly mental. With the intensity of concentration, focus, and pressure from an audience, one of the best things that you can do is take it slow.

After all, what's the rush?
Learn the game at whatever pace suits you. Many newbie golfers try to go all out.
They buy a brand-new set of golf clubs, hit a few bucks of balls at a driving range for a few days, & want to immediately run out and start playing on prestigious 18-hole golf courses.
I understand that you are probably excited and want to jump right in headfirst.

But, before you knew how to swim, did you just dive into the deep section of your local swimming pool? Of course not. How could you expect to do the same with golf? Moving too fast will only lead to frustration and eventually you will quit playing.

Take your time! It'll pay off.

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

IV.Taking the Confusion Out of Golf's Fundamentals


Today's information age has brought wondrous amounts of golf information to the masses. Websites, blogs, actually seems too much at times. Everyone benefits from it.

A lot of new golfer try to mimic what professional golfers seem to do on TV. After all, how hard could it be?

If only it were that simple!
If you are just starting out, understand that it may take a few years just to get the basics down. And by "down," I mean at least somewhat memorized.

You will have ups & downs. And, learning applying new techniques to your individual style will come in growth spurts.

A new technique you are trying to master may seem impossible one day. But, after thorough practice and repetition, it will simply seem natural another.

B.Sticking to the Basics

Sticking to the basics is always the best approach, no matter what you are doing.
You work the fundamentals until they are like 2nd nature.

Strive to improve everytime you play. Learn that patience and perseverance are just as important as making contact with the ball.

The ultimate reward for your positive attitude will be consistency in your swing, an improved game, & the development of a lifelong passion for golf.

C. Becoming Friends with your Clubs
When you begin learning the fundamentals of golf, stick to the same pair of golf clubs for at least 1 to 2 years.

The equipment you use should not be changed. This will help your learning experience be as linear & stable as possible.

Using the same clubs during your initial year or two of golf will also help minimize the negative variables that can affect your game.

For example, by sticking with the same driver during this time period, you can isolate & adjust the factors that help you on tee shots.

Changing clubs too often, especially during this learning period, will not enable you to know whether your technique has improved.

This is definitely one area when using a little science can pay off huge. Because that's what scientists do- isolate, test, record & adjust....

But wait.......    

              For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner