Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Learning Perfect Swing Technique For Beginners III

III. Coming Down
Now you are ready to explode through the grace of your downswing,ultimately driving the ball perfectly towards it's destination.

A. The Downswing
Your backswing should have felt controlled and smooth. Now you will feel a change in tempo. You will release the downswing with full power. Graceful & easy at the same time.Even though you are getting ready to completely change your technique and motion from the transition of the backswing to the downswing, the switch should still be graceful and as seamless as possible. The best swings show no sign of using a snapping motion or force.
Unfortunately, this is where many beginner and amateur golfers make their mistakes. Their backswing was initiated perfectly, but their transition towards making contact with the ball is sabotaged by a poor downswing.

B. Start From The Hips

The hips should be the very first body parts to move when bringing the club down from your backswing. In fact, your entire body is getting ready to uncoil itself starting from the hips. Don't pay too much attention to your arms and hands. They will be the last body parts to turn and it should happen naturally.
Once your body starts to uncoil, be sure that your weight begins to shift from your right foot to your left. This part is crucial! If you don't shift your weight onto your left foot, you will lose nearly half of the power and accuracy needed to make a successful shot. At first you may need to concentrate on shifting your weight.But, after enough practice, your body should do transition the weight distribution naturally. Repetition is key.

C. Uncoil The Body & Release The Energy

When it comes to arms & hands. strive to maintain the bend you have in your wrists for as long as possible. They should be the last part of your body to release before the ball is hit.If you can snap your wrists at the very last moment, you'll undoubtedly transfer more power and strength to the ball. Which will drive it longer consistently. The clubhead should now be coming down and moving faster towards the ball. Good form is essential. As the downswing gains momentum and speed, your entire body should follow through automatically, without interference.
Once the club head approaches the golf ball, you should feel as if you are cracking a whip....

For More Golf Clubs Selection, Check Out At  Golf Clubs for Beginner

1 comment:

  1. Good basic tricks. I am just beginning and I am loving the experience!
